At least they are epic to us. Chris turned 18 this month, graduated from high school and finished his first semester of college. Epic, I tell you, epic. We now have three adult aged people in the house, and occasionally, one or two of us will act like an adult, but never simultaneously... That would be too dull. Chris registered to vote and got his adult driver's license all on the same day. Epic.
Andrew now has his learner's permit and is working hard towards earning his Mitchell promotion in Civil Air Patrol. This will give him the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, an officer, and will give him the epic ability to enlist in the United States Air Force as an E3, which is the equivalent to being in the Air Force for about two years. They will even register him as having served for two years, thus allowing him many benefits and privileges. Epic and honoring, all at once... at least to me.
Michael finished out his first semester of high school with great success. He is not certain what direction he wants to take later in life, and thankfully, he doesn't have to decide yet. He has really blossomed into a young man lately and is so honoring and respectful to me and Keith. He has such a good heart and still adores James in an epic way.
James is playing rink hockey (I know this is very surprising, especially if you know James) but he loves it. He has scored two goals and has some assists. I think he prefers playing defense, but is flexible and and humble enough to play where needed. We try to all go as a family and cheer him on each week. Epic.
Keith, now well into his 50th year, cackle, cackle, has the plant looking and running epically. He has changed virtually every building, railroad track, vessel, gear and all that other plant stuff over the nearly five years he has been there. If you could see all of the before and after pictures, you would be epically impressed. I am sure I have mentioned this before, but this time it looks more tangible: an expansion is on the books!!! The company has hired an architect firm and some engineers to begin the early phase of expanding. This would be epic, indeed. It would also open the door of opportunity to one or more of our sons to work with their dad at the plant. Epic.
Me? Nothing epic to report, but I do feel in my heart that I am blessed beyond epic proportions. We are all healthy, we have fabulous friends, and we are not hungry. I've made a few quilts this fall and knitted a few things here and there, but mainly I dedicate much of my life to completing this marathon of being a mom at home. Perhaps that is sort of epic, but for now I will simply call it life.
Happy New Year to all of you! I pray for health and wisdom for each of you, and if you are lucky, maybe you will also have an epic year.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I typed in all of the names using's raffle feature. It really was quite easy if you ever need to do something similarly. The winner is Marj Thomas! Marj please e-mail me so I will know you have received this information. I have your address and will ship the quilt as soon as I get the binding applied.... I got it back from the quilter yesterday and it looks fabulous!!! I really think you will love it.
MANY, MANY thanks to all who helped me to multiply the amount I was able to give. It really is a blessing to know so many compassionate, generous people. I give all of the glory to God for equipping each of us in this loving endeavor. Let us continue to pray for this family.
God Bless you all!
MANY, MANY thanks to all who helped me to multiply the amount I was able to give. It really is a blessing to know so many compassionate, generous people. I give all of the glory to God for equipping each of us in this loving endeavor. Let us continue to pray for this family.
God Bless you all!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Quilt Raffle Closed!
Please do not send any more contributions - the quilt raffle has been closed! We have gathered a total of $530 to bless the Hooker family!! I am so full of sincere gratitude and thankfulness from each of you who contributed! I truly wish I could send each of you a homemade gift, but I think my husband would kill me. I will use to shuffle all of the names and I will announce a winner in the morning!!
Again, thank you so very much! I am overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness!
God Bless each of you!!!
Many thanks,
Again, thank you so very much! I am overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness!
God Bless each of you!!!
Many thanks,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Quilt Raffle to benefit local family
Dear friends, our home school community was rocked last month at the sudden death of a dear home school mom to five daughters. Christina was the Proverbial woman in every sense. I only met her a few times, but everyone who knew her echoes the same sentiment about her. She was an adoring wife to Christian, whom is no doubt devastated with her loss. Although I did not know her well, several of my close friends are in deep mourning. I have been praying and praying for all of them and have felt so helpless. I would imagine any monetary help is greatly appreciated and I think a raffle would increase the amount our family could contribute to them. Please consider a $10 donation and you also get a chance to win this quilt. For every $10 you donate, you will get another chance. $50 would be five chances!!!
Here is the quilt:

It would be perfect for any young girl or teen, or any young at heart woman. The blocks contain unique graphics of a girl or princess, and is a 60" square. It is very whimsical and HAPPY!! I pieced this by hand using fabric from our local quilt store, Sew Bee It!, and will have it professionally machine quilted. The quilt will be back from the quilter on December 13th and I will then apply the binding, having it completed in time for a Christmas gift!
I can receive entries up until the 13th of December and will announce a winner on Wednesday, the 14th in the morning. Please e-mail me and I will forward my mailing address so you can send a check, or click the "chip-in" button and pay with Paypal.
Thank you so much for helping this family. 100% of all donation money will go directly to the Hooker family. God Bless you all!
Ps: I will ship the quilt anywhere in the US at no charge. If this quilt is not your style, donate anyway and I will give the quilt to the Hooker family. Thanks!
Here is the quilt:

It would be perfect for any young girl or teen, or any young at heart woman. The blocks contain unique graphics of a girl or princess, and is a 60" square. It is very whimsical and HAPPY!! I pieced this by hand using fabric from our local quilt store, Sew Bee It!, and will have it professionally machine quilted. The quilt will be back from the quilter on December 13th and I will then apply the binding, having it completed in time for a Christmas gift!
I can receive entries up until the 13th of December and will announce a winner on Wednesday, the 14th in the morning. Please e-mail me and I will forward my mailing address so you can send a check, or click the "chip-in" button and pay with Paypal.
Thank you so much for helping this family. 100% of all donation money will go directly to the Hooker family. God Bless you all!
Ps: I will ship the quilt anywhere in the US at no charge. If this quilt is not your style, donate anyway and I will give the quilt to the Hooker family. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A Date to Remember
Last night, Keith and I attended "A Date to Remember". It is put on by the same people who organize "A Weekend to Remember". It is just a fun time for married couples to sit back and enjoy a good laugh about marriage. Mark Gungor was the main speaker and he had our cheeks hurting from laughter! He has written several books and has videos out as well. I would say he is best known for his, "Laugh Your Way to a Happier Marriage". Yes, you will laugh, and then you will wonder if he has been secretly video taping you and your husband.... He just knows the male/female characteristics so well and can find the humor in it all. Check him out on the web - he has several little things you can listen to at no cost. I will never look at smiley faces the same way again.... Oh, and please pray for his wife whom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
I also wanted to put in a plug for Chick-fil-A. They sponsored the event and went ALL OUT! As you know, they are strong Christians. They put their money and their feet where their mouth is: they want strong Christian families! The president of Chick-fil-A and his brother briefly spoke last night, and offered a prayer. I was most impressed with them and think I may have to start choosing Chick-fil-A over Bojangles.... The kids might not be too happy about this, but we need to support people who are trying to make a positive difference in our society, for His glory.
A big thank you to First Things First and Chick-fil-A for a lovely evening with the hubby. Chris will be thrilled when I take him to get the two free chicken sandwiches that were handed out last night.
I also wanted to put in a plug for Chick-fil-A. They sponsored the event and went ALL OUT! As you know, they are strong Christians. They put their money and their feet where their mouth is: they want strong Christian families! The president of Chick-fil-A and his brother briefly spoke last night, and offered a prayer. I was most impressed with them and think I may have to start choosing Chick-fil-A over Bojangles.... The kids might not be too happy about this, but we need to support people who are trying to make a positive difference in our society, for His glory.
A big thank you to First Things First and Chick-fil-A for a lovely evening with the hubby. Chris will be thrilled when I take him to get the two free chicken sandwiches that were handed out last night.
Monday, October 10, 2011
I Protest!
All I have to say about those goons on Wall Street are this: you are protesting the wrong people. It was Obama that bailed out Wall Street, go protest HIM. His failed policies are the reason unemployment remains high. I guarantee if we repealed Obummercare, the job market would surge. That MESS of a law has killed jobs and has INCREASED health insurance costs. Our health insurance premiums DOUBLED last year and I am scared to see what they are going to be this year. Obama said our health insurance premiums would go down and we should ask our employer for a raise. What a joke! And these Wall Street people are trashing the place, being lawless and saying such nice things as, "Eat the Rich". Such friendly folks.
EVERY time the Tea Party held a rally, they cleaned up when they were finished and NONE were ever arrested. NONE. I believe in a good protest, but some common sense manners and consideration should be paramount.
Oh, and while I am at it, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorse Mr. Herman Cain! He is the real deal!! I've been listening to him on the radio for over five years and he is not only brilliant, but he is a fine man. He is genuine and compassionate. If you have never gotten to know him, please check him out. I guarantee you will like him!
EVERY time the Tea Party held a rally, they cleaned up when they were finished and NONE were ever arrested. NONE. I believe in a good protest, but some common sense manners and consideration should be paramount.
Oh, and while I am at it, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorse Mr. Herman Cain! He is the real deal!! I've been listening to him on the radio for over five years and he is not only brilliant, but he is a fine man. He is genuine and compassionate. If you have never gotten to know him, please check him out. I guarantee you will like him!
Two Month Blog Hiatus
Hello ya'll! I am guessing nobody really reads this thing anymore, especially since I haven't posted in over two months. It has simply been an interesting period in our lives. Chris began college the first week of August. He is doing amazingly well and I am so proud of him! Dalton State is known for being a "hard" school, and he has risen to the challenge. Chris is a natural scholar and just seems to do well effortlessly. He is also a natural accountant and will be one of the best!
Andrew and Michael are in high school. Andrew is trying to get the credits he needs to enlist in the Air Force this spring, which would put him heading to boot camp in the summer of 2014. He will also enroll in Dalton State next year to get a few college credits under his belt. The Air Force likes you to have a minimum of 15 college credits. Michael is still undecided about his future plans, and that is okay! There is plenty of time,Lord willing.
James is devouring books right now. Who'd of thought that?? He is also partaking in playing some good old fashioned rink hockey. He really loves it, which just surprises us. He is the least aggressive child we have, but he loves the hockey. I am thankful for some fabulous friends that run it and mentor James each week.
Keith and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary last month. In some ways it seems like we have always been together and in other ways, it seems like yesterday. I love being married, although it isn't always easy. We do hit many peaks and valleys, but the Lord has blessed us with an unshakable commitment. I am incredibly thankful for Keith and his loving support.
Me? Well, I will spare you the details, but I have been having an interesting time lately. I could group about 10 negative experiences I have endured over the last two months, between sever back pain to teenagers to teenagers and then more teenagers and throw in some bumps in the road and, well, it has been interesting. But the Lord is faithful. His mercies are new every morning. I rest upon Him and begin each day with Him and pray for the best. Teenagers. They are an interesting breed. I hope they don't kill me.
Andrew and Michael are in high school. Andrew is trying to get the credits he needs to enlist in the Air Force this spring, which would put him heading to boot camp in the summer of 2014. He will also enroll in Dalton State next year to get a few college credits under his belt. The Air Force likes you to have a minimum of 15 college credits. Michael is still undecided about his future plans, and that is okay! There is plenty of time,Lord willing.
James is devouring books right now. Who'd of thought that?? He is also partaking in playing some good old fashioned rink hockey. He really loves it, which just surprises us. He is the least aggressive child we have, but he loves the hockey. I am thankful for some fabulous friends that run it and mentor James each week.
Keith and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary last month. In some ways it seems like we have always been together and in other ways, it seems like yesterday. I love being married, although it isn't always easy. We do hit many peaks and valleys, but the Lord has blessed us with an unshakable commitment. I am incredibly thankful for Keith and his loving support.
Me? Well, I will spare you the details, but I have been having an interesting time lately. I could group about 10 negative experiences I have endured over the last two months, between sever back pain to teenagers to teenagers and then more teenagers and throw in some bumps in the road and, well, it has been interesting. But the Lord is faithful. His mercies are new every morning. I rest upon Him and begin each day with Him and pray for the best. Teenagers. They are an interesting breed. I hope they don't kill me.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Some Things are so Overrated
For instance, stainless steel appliances. Sure, they look great and they do add value to your home, but they are highly overrated. They smudge so easily and cost upwards of $200+ more per appliance just to have a stainless front. Every single time you touch them, the fingerprints look awful. If we weren't planning on selling in about 4 years, I would be perfectly content with white!
Front loader washing machines. Again, they look amazing. But they harbor skanky water in the door rim. They don't really clean any better than traditional washers and they cost LOTS more. The pedestals cost over $200 each, and you totally need them, unless you are REALLY short. I will not be buying them again, that is for sure. If it hadn't been for the great deal we got on repo units, no way would I have forked out the cash for these.
Granite counter tops. We don't have these, but based on horror stories I have heard, I am thankful this was one status symbol I didn't buy into. They crack and dull easily. You can see fingerprints very easily. They need sealed twice a year and they are WAY pricey!
It is unfortunate our society has become obsessed with status symbols that seemingly represent that you have money. Our parents were so content years ago with much less. They would get their broken appliances repaired and make them last. Now we just dispose of everything and get a new one.
What overrated item did you purchase that you wish you hadn't? I'd love to have your wisdom!
Front loader washing machines. Again, they look amazing. But they harbor skanky water in the door rim. They don't really clean any better than traditional washers and they cost LOTS more. The pedestals cost over $200 each, and you totally need them, unless you are REALLY short. I will not be buying them again, that is for sure. If it hadn't been for the great deal we got on repo units, no way would I have forked out the cash for these.
Granite counter tops. We don't have these, but based on horror stories I have heard, I am thankful this was one status symbol I didn't buy into. They crack and dull easily. You can see fingerprints very easily. They need sealed twice a year and they are WAY pricey!
It is unfortunate our society has become obsessed with status symbols that seemingly represent that you have money. Our parents were so content years ago with much less. They would get their broken appliances repaired and make them last. Now we just dispose of everything and get a new one.
What overrated item did you purchase that you wish you hadn't? I'd love to have your wisdom!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
50? No way!
My husband cracked through the glass ceiling of the 40's and burst his way into the fabulous 50's! We had the blessing of having his Mom and Bill in town and got to surprise Keith with their knocking on the door unexpectedly. It was not easy keeping it a secret for two weeks. It almost slipped several times, but we pulled it off and it was great fun.
I really wanted to throw Keith a party, but he really did not want one, so instead, I asked friends and family to send a birthday card. I collected all of the cards and put them into a box for him to open like a gift. We had much fun opening all of the cards and then passing them around. Some people shared pictures, some shared long lost stories and some just shared a lovely Bible verse. I know Mom and Bill enjoyed reading the cards with us and watching Keith open a few gifts. The guys all pitched in and got him some really nice sun glasses. It was nice to see them spend their own money on somebody other than themselves.
It may not have been a bash to end all bashes, but what matters most is that we shared it with the people we love. Happy Birthday, old man! I hope you enjoyed it!
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Perils of having a Green Thumb..
I have no idea how or why this happens, but I can take a dying, shriveled up plant and bring it back to vibrant life. My flower garden is constantly over producing flowers (not a bad thing). The problem ensues when I try to get rid of a plant that I no longer find desirable. I cant kill it. It will keep coming back and back and back. You get the picture. I also seem to have an abundance of babies. You know how your plants drop seed, and then next year you might get one or two of them again? In my garden, there are many babies from last year. It is great, because it's like getting free plants. I also have to thin my plants and prune them regularly. I guess I am just a very fertile person, or perhaps all of you gardening friends have the same problems and maybe I am not as special as I think I am.' Either way, several sweaty hours have been spent working the beds this week, and I am still not finished. I also see several transplanting projects for the fall. I have a very bad habit of planting something and then it gets ginormous and I need to thin things out again. It's a jungle out there!
Unfortunately, my vegetable garden didn't get the memo about my magic thumb, and I barely got anything out of it. Several stalks of corn shot up, but I never got any ears. My potatoes were a total flop, which was very sad for me. I had high hopes of putting 100 pounds of potatoes in a dark room. My kids would have so loved to have an abundance of spuds. I would have been their hero for about five minutes. Oh well, I will try again next year, for sure!
I hope you are getting many lovely flowers to brighten your day, and the butterflies that go with them. I also hope when you are enjoying them, you give thanks for He whom made them. God bless your gardens!
Unfortunately, my vegetable garden didn't get the memo about my magic thumb, and I barely got anything out of it. Several stalks of corn shot up, but I never got any ears. My potatoes were a total flop, which was very sad for me. I had high hopes of putting 100 pounds of potatoes in a dark room. My kids would have so loved to have an abundance of spuds. I would have been their hero for about five minutes. Oh well, I will try again next year, for sure!
I hope you are getting many lovely flowers to brighten your day, and the butterflies that go with them. I also hope when you are enjoying them, you give thanks for He whom made them. God bless your gardens!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
My New Love
Costco. Love it! We just got one last summer and it is fabulous. It has been almost a year now of buying lots of different products they carry, and I haven't had too many that we didn't like. For those of you who have had a Costco in your life for a while, you are very fortunate, and those of you who don't have one yet, I weep for you. I thought I would give a review on some of the items we have bought - it might entice you to try these items as well:
Costco organic salsa - we ate the 24 quarts that I canned last summer, by February. I never buy salsa. Very rarely do I like bought salsa. Until now. Costco's salsa tastes very close to the kind you would get at On The Border or Chili's. It has the same consistency and just the right amount of heat.
Wild Flower Seed mix - You should see the variety I have growing in my flower bed. Some of the flowers, I have never seen before. It was easy to plant and I have a full bed of flowers growing!
Vanity with attached granite countertop - great price, nice details and exceptional quality!
Frozen organic veggies - you just can't beat the price on all of their frozen veggies!!
Kirkland bar soap - In our family, we get these strange bumps on the back of our upper arms, unless we use expensive soap. No more! Kirkland's bar soap has my skin smooth and soft, without leaving me dry. This is an accomplishment!
Kirkland facial wipes - again, love them! My face is having fewer break-outs and is SOFT!
Mineral Make-up - I just bought this yesterday and have only used it once, but I think for the price, it is a terrific deal. I liked the coverage and it didn't give me a shine like some other brands.
Supplements - I think they have everyone beat on supplement choices and price. I am thrilled that I can get certain vitamins and such at such a great price.
Kirkland shampoo/conditioner - This stuff is amazing! Cheap, cheap, cheap but high quality ingredients. No SLS or parabans. Mostly organic. And cheap....
Kirkland jeans and polos - GREAT price and very nice stuff. The jeans look great and for $14 a pair and five guys to clothe, WINNER!
Some things we did not like: Kirkland macaroni and cheese (YUCK), Quinoa (Yuck again).... that may be it for now.
Customer Service - They really know how to treat their customers!
I am sure there are more goodies I am forgetting to mention, but these are a few things that really just thrill me! We do about 80% of our grocery shopping at Costco now. I hope they prosper and are here to stay!
What are some products you have bought from Costco that you love??
Costco organic salsa - we ate the 24 quarts that I canned last summer, by February. I never buy salsa. Very rarely do I like bought salsa. Until now. Costco's salsa tastes very close to the kind you would get at On The Border or Chili's. It has the same consistency and just the right amount of heat.
Wild Flower Seed mix - You should see the variety I have growing in my flower bed. Some of the flowers, I have never seen before. It was easy to plant and I have a full bed of flowers growing!
Vanity with attached granite countertop - great price, nice details and exceptional quality!
Frozen organic veggies - you just can't beat the price on all of their frozen veggies!!
Kirkland bar soap - In our family, we get these strange bumps on the back of our upper arms, unless we use expensive soap. No more! Kirkland's bar soap has my skin smooth and soft, without leaving me dry. This is an accomplishment!
Kirkland facial wipes - again, love them! My face is having fewer break-outs and is SOFT!
Mineral Make-up - I just bought this yesterday and have only used it once, but I think for the price, it is a terrific deal. I liked the coverage and it didn't give me a shine like some other brands.
Supplements - I think they have everyone beat on supplement choices and price. I am thrilled that I can get certain vitamins and such at such a great price.
Kirkland shampoo/conditioner - This stuff is amazing! Cheap, cheap, cheap but high quality ingredients. No SLS or parabans. Mostly organic. And cheap....
Kirkland jeans and polos - GREAT price and very nice stuff. The jeans look great and for $14 a pair and five guys to clothe, WINNER!
Some things we did not like: Kirkland macaroni and cheese (YUCK), Quinoa (Yuck again).... that may be it for now.
Customer Service - They really know how to treat their customers!
I am sure there are more goodies I am forgetting to mention, but these are a few things that really just thrill me! We do about 80% of our grocery shopping at Costco now. I hope they prosper and are here to stay!
What are some products you have bought from Costco that you love??
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Discrimination 101
Ok, so let me get this straight: we have paid for 100% of our sons' education over the last twelve years. We have not accepted one penny from anybody (not that anybody has offered) to pay for all of our books, supplies and software. The states of Louisiana and Georgia have collectively saved well over $200,000 over these twelve years of our home education. Now that we have a college ready student, he is not eligible for any state sponsored scholarship funds until he has completed 30 college credit hours. Basically, the states and the teachers' unions want to discredit home schoolers any way they can and make it as challenging as possible for our students to obtain funds that are readily available to public schooled students. I wish I could see the logic in this, however, I only feel violated and discriminated against. Where's the ACLU on this subject? Why it perfectly acceptable to discriminate against a block of society that outscored and outperformed all other blocks of educated children? Home schoolers out score public school kids in almost every subject. Whatever. Like always, we will man-up, play by the rules and HOPE scholarship funds will be available for us in a couple of years.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Blog Fog
I have been experiencing major blog fog. Especially now. I have contemplated blogging about a whole host of topics over the last few weeks, ranging from leftist hypocrisy to spring time gardening. I have had many opinions I would have loved to voice or recipes to share, but the nasty tornadoes have simply made me realize there is nothing truly worth blogging about in a catastrophe. There is a time to put your opinions on a shelf and come together with those in need and be as helpful as you are able. And the single most important part of it all that we are trying to teach our sons, is it's not about you. You should not go around boasting of how much money you gave or how many hours you put in on a job. It is about giving glory to God for equipping you to do His work. My mom was the best role model I had for this, and I am thankful to give her the credit for my desire to teach the guys the same important values. Matthew chapter 6 gives very clear advice on this subject. Live it in front of your children, don't simply preach it. Read these scriptures with your children.
So many people have lost their homes, their businesses and some have lost their lives. Our little town of Ringgold is a shambles. But having lived in Louisiana with bookend hurricanes Andrew and Katrina, I know we will rebuild and we will be stronger. Our character will be tested at times and our patience will be lost at times, but we must always return to our roots of faith, hope and love.
There are so many lovely and perfect Bible verses to help in times such as these. I like the Psalms during trials and then always end up in the Gospel when I have come out of the fire. All trials do lead to the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. But if you find you are still trying to come to terms with this, the Psalms were written for such a time as this.
Please continue to pray for Ringgold. There has never been anything catastrophic like this around here before and they are in deep shock. This is my favorite place I have ever lived and it hurts to see Ringgold suffering.
So many people have lost their homes, their businesses and some have lost their lives. Our little town of Ringgold is a shambles. But having lived in Louisiana with bookend hurricanes Andrew and Katrina, I know we will rebuild and we will be stronger. Our character will be tested at times and our patience will be lost at times, but we must always return to our roots of faith, hope and love.
There are so many lovely and perfect Bible verses to help in times such as these. I like the Psalms during trials and then always end up in the Gospel when I have come out of the fire. All trials do lead to the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. But if you find you are still trying to come to terms with this, the Psalms were written for such a time as this.
Please continue to pray for Ringgold. There has never been anything catastrophic like this around here before and they are in deep shock. This is my favorite place I have ever lived and it hurts to see Ringgold suffering.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Up on The Mountain

Yesterday, we spent the day with some of our very special friends from Louisiana. We miss them so much, but thankfully, we get to see them every few months! They own a couple of rental cabins on the brow of Lookout Mountain, in Mentone, AL. The drive to go see them is so beautiful, you hardly notice it takes an hour. Bruce grilled some burgers and we had lots of fixings. I made my annual bunny cake that I have made ever year since I was 10 or 11. He has gotten less fancy, but he still tastes quite good and the kids love the tradition.
Michelle is blessed with two 14 year old twin boys and is expecting a precious little girl in July. She has the cutest little baby bump and I can't wait to see baby Julia!!! We had a blast shopping for baby pink things and still enjoying the laugh that this little unexpected blessing presented a few months back. Ian and Evan will surely love having a little sister to spoil, and if nothing else, they get some valuable baby care skills!!! God bless you and your family, Michelle.
Keith and Bruce took all the guys to a couple of water falls down the road while we shopped, and I just have to share the gorgeous pictures. I want to go back up there soon! Enjoy the pictures and let's plan a trip there next time you come visit!
God bless!
Friday, March 4, 2011
We are going on a 40 day fast from most electronics. No Facebook, no video games, no iPod, no forums. It was simply necessary in our home. We have become disconnected from each other and the competition on the gaming systems has been driving me mad. Everyone, of course, wants to be able to go first and they always seem to go over on their turn, thus infuriating the next guy in line for a turn. There was sure to be a battle every day about it, often several times a day. Madness.
Now, miraculously, we are reconnecting with each other and that joyful silence I hear is quite medicinal. Let us hope and pray that we can continue bonding with each other and having fun playing many other games that have collected some dust. If your family seems hairy and disconnected, perhaps some unplugging is a solution for you, too.
Have a blessed day and enjoy the people in your life more than the electronics!!!
Now, miraculously, we are reconnecting with each other and that joyful silence I hear is quite medicinal. Let us hope and pray that we can continue bonding with each other and having fun playing many other games that have collected some dust. If your family seems hairy and disconnected, perhaps some unplugging is a solution for you, too.
Have a blessed day and enjoy the people in your life more than the electronics!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Big Chill...
...waiting for the big thaw. Ok, I love winter. I love snow even more, but days on end of sub-freezing temperatures? Not so much. I feel like I am in Pennsylvania again, or maybe Maryland again, but not Georgia. The 9 inch dumping of snow was fabulous. I haven't seen that much snow in 20 years. But, I am a southerner now, and I like the here today, gone today kind of snow. This is the first time we have had snow last this long (I can hear my sister Becky laughing hysterically right now). I am by no means, ready for spring, nor am sick of the beautiful white stuff, but can we at least get above freezing? Even the chickens are staying in the coop. I guess they don't want their tail feathers to get icicles on them...
On the bright side, the snow has reignited my cooking desires, and I have made several yummy meals this week. Pecan crusted chicken, homemade bread, and potato soup. Winter is just a time to cook and snuggle under blankets and sip coffee all day.
I'm going to try and dig out the van today, with the hope of going to Costco tomorrow. I think I will need a very large ice pick and an even larger shovel.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Time to Mourn
I dread the first week of January, now more than ever. Keith's gramma passed away last night. She was 90 years old. We all hold a very special place in our heart for her and will never forget her. She made the best gumbo and pralines on this earth! I am so glad we got to see her last month, on Thanksgiving. Rest in peace, Maw Maw Dee!
Monday marked the two year anniversary of Matt, our nephew, and the tragic car accident that took him and a half-brother. Matt was only 23 and full of life and love for the Lord. Keith's sister, Becky has to live without him and I know that is not an easy thing to do, every day.
And today marks the 21st anniversary of my mom's death. You have no idea how much I miss her. I miss her every day and wish I could have had her a little longer, but honestly, I don't think it would ever have been long enough for me. I have so many things I would have loved to share with her, especially my kids. Nobody loves you like your mother, and I have never stopped longing for that feeling, the feeling that left abruptly 21 years ago and will never return. People, if you still have your mom, please go easy on her. She's been through a lot to raise you. Love her as if this was the last day you will see her, because you just never know when you will get that phone call.
All that aside, the Lord promises he will comfort those in mourning, and He does. Today, I plan on meditating and praying these Bible verses; perhaps they will comfort you as well:
I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. Jer 31:13
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.
Psalm 126:4-6
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:3-5
...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:6
God does not want to only focus on the pain of death, but the joy of life eternal. Is your heart right with God?
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