Friday, July 1, 2011

The Perils of having a Green Thumb..

I have no idea how or why this happens, but I can take a dying, shriveled up plant and bring it back to vibrant life. My flower garden is constantly over producing flowers (not a bad thing). The problem ensues when I try to get rid of a plant that I no longer find desirable. I cant kill it. It will keep coming back and back and back. You get the picture. I also seem to have an abundance of babies. You know how your plants drop seed, and then next year you might get one or two of them again? In my garden, there are many babies from last year. It is great, because it's like getting free plants. I also have to thin my plants and prune them regularly. I guess I am just a very fertile person, or perhaps all of you gardening friends have the same problems and maybe I am not as special as I think I am.' Either way, several sweaty hours have been spent working the beds this week, and I am still not finished. I also see several transplanting projects for the fall. I have a very bad habit of planting something and then it gets ginormous and I need to thin things out again. It's a jungle out there!

Unfortunately, my vegetable garden didn't get the memo about my magic thumb, and I barely got anything out of it. Several stalks of corn shot up, but I never got any ears. My potatoes were a total flop, which was very sad for me. I had high hopes of putting 100 pounds of potatoes in a dark room. My kids would have so loved to have an abundance of spuds. I would have been their hero for about five minutes. Oh well, I will try again next year, for sure!

I hope you are getting many lovely flowers to brighten your day, and the butterflies that go with them. I also hope when you are enjoying them, you give thanks for He whom made them. God bless your gardens!


Sam I Am said...

Well, sister, I just had to pull up my cucumbers and watermelons because I have cucumber beetles and therefore bacteria wilt.(sigh) I will have to hurry and treat the soil to kill larvae before they creep over to my tomatoes. The cucumbers and melons were just starting to bloom heavy too....

Mamosa said...

We have tomatoes coming out our ears. I tried to catch Keith when he was here last week to load him up, but he was out of the driveway very quickly! Tomatoes are the only crop that I don't care too much to have an overabundance...but they seem to like us. Corn has been a flop for three years now. We lost two seasons of corn to deer. This year we put up a small fence, but the corn only got to a certain size, and then sort of dehydrated on the stalk. Our squash and zucchini start out well, then get a fungus. I may have to check into Sam I Am's hint that it might be bacteria wilt. My husband planted a load of cayenne and habanero peppers, but I have no clue how to use them. I'm afraid. And once again, no bell peppers! *sigh* It has NOT been a good year in the garden.

Elizabeth said...

Michelle, I would have loved some of your tomatoes. Vegetable gardening is certainly like playing a game of roulette, unless you spend mucho dollars and time on it. It is comforting to know that my garden was not the only lousy one this year. There is always next year....

Mamosa said...

Sad thing is, we DID spend a lot of money this year for soil amendments and some mature plants rather than seeds like we usually do. My husband always plans so BIG and then loses interests (or has truck accidents) and I end up feeling pressured and guilty for not having the time or desire to maintain it. All of the tomatoes ripened at once, so there was pressure on a very busy week to get them canned. I should take a picture of my frazzled expression and the overgrown garden as a reminder for him next year! (as an aside, I am laughing out loud at the verification word I was given for this comment: "laxical". Reminds me of lax/lazy. How appropriate!)