All I have to say about those goons on Wall Street are this: you are protesting the wrong people. It was Obama that bailed out Wall Street, go protest HIM. His failed policies are the reason unemployment remains high. I guarantee if we repealed Obummercare, the job market would surge. That MESS of a law has killed jobs and has INCREASED health insurance costs. Our health insurance premiums DOUBLED last year and I am scared to see what they are going to be this year. Obama said our health insurance premiums would go down and we should ask our employer for a raise. What a joke! And these Wall Street people are trashing the place, being lawless and saying such nice things as, "Eat the Rich". Such friendly folks.
EVERY time the Tea Party held a rally, they cleaned up when they were finished and NONE were ever arrested. NONE. I believe in a good protest, but some common sense manners and consideration should be paramount.
Oh, and while I am at it, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorse Mr. Herman Cain! He is the real deal!! I've been listening to him on the radio for over five years and he is not only brilliant, but he is a fine man. He is genuine and compassionate. If you have never gotten to know him, please check him out. I guarantee you will like him!
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