Friday, July 16, 2010

Week in Review

A week in the life of the Brauds, from the moment the three oldest guys went on encampment with the Civil Air Patrol. First of all the quiet that ensued the minute they left was unusually soothing. I bathed in the quiet and prayed for their safety, then commenced to spend that quantity and quality time with James. We had watched fireworks the night before, so we were dragging some, but as soon as we ate lunch, we headed to Toy Story 3! We didn't see it in 3D since Keith and I get headaches from 3D, but the normal version was quite good. None of the Toy Story movies will ever trump the original, as is with more original movies, but 3 was very clever. It also made me so happy none of my kids had to experience the daycare environment that 3 seemed to depict quite astutely.

Monday my store was open, so James was left to himself. Poor thing played video games all day with no one to bump him off. It was almost abusive of us to do such a thing to him. Tuesday we snagged a GI Joe @ 20% off at a local store and then picked up one of his close friends for a play date. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their conversations and watching them hop from one activity to the next.

Wednesday the movies has $1 movies, so How To Train Your Dragon was quite enjoyable and quite affordable. We hated to do it, but Bruster's ice cream just happened to be on the way home, so I forced James to eat some ice cream. He resisted, as you could about imagine. At this point, I am feeling more like the gramma with only one child and saying "yes" to so many things. You just can't say yes when you have 4 of them. Four movie tickets, four ice creams and you are broke.

Thursday we had a yard and house clean-up day. Not that fun, but needed. Keith was off so we bought a new Wii game. He and I played way more hours than I would care to reveal..... But it was fun and peaceful and we were together!

Friday we took a day trip to Rome, GA. Very cute and clean city. We ate at a yummy restaurant, and even had catfish fried the way they do in Louisiana. For a moment, we felt like we were in New Orleans at a cafe. The temps outside even made it seem all the more real. The shopping was fun and the eye candy delightful. We can't wait to drive back in the fall when the scenery will be breathtaking.

Of course we all woke up Saturday eager to get our guys back and hear all about encampment. Although the week of peace was very therapeutic, I was really missing my guys and am happy to have them back!

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