We just watched a very poignant film this evening, based on a true story. This story is set in Germany on Christmas Eve of 1944, as a German mother, Elisabeth Vincken (Linda Hamilton), and her young son, Fritz (Matthew Harbour), face invasion of their home by both American and German troops. Against all odds, the mother and son try to persuade the soldiers from both sides to temporarily call a truce so that they may all join together and break bread in the spirit of Christmas.
It grips you very early into the movie and keeps you captivated throughout. I rented it through Netflix, but I am sure you could get it anywhere. Some of it was difficult to watch and listen to, and much of it really pricked me. There was triumph and adversity, elements every good drama needs. Some of it may have you thinking about our own times and government as they exist today. Maybe not. But I do recommend it if you like history.
1 comment:
Thanks for the recommendation. I love history, so I'm sure I will like it. Always looking for something to watch during the summer, tv is slim pickings even with cable. Unless you like WIPEOUT, which is ridiculously funny.
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