Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Summer Goals

My goals this summer are going to be ones that are attainable. I don't want to get disappointed, so I am going to make them simple so I can feel like I have really succeeded. What are your goals this summer???

1. Swim at Foster Falls as often as possible
2. Bar-B-q lots of goodies
3. Pick lots of berries
4. Watch lots of birds and butterflies in my garden
5. Pick lots of flowers from my cutting garden
6. Sweat like a hog
7. Drink lots of iced tea
8. Make smoothies
9. Invite friends over
10.Have fun, fun, fun


Pennie said...

lol. One of my goals is to visit the Elizabeth and eat bar-b-q, drink tea and smoothies, admire her birds and flowers, and have fun, fun, fun. Sweatin' like a hog is optional. :)

Elizabeth said...

I love your goals - they sound so familiar.......
We need to get some dates on the calendar!

Joe said...

You know, if you had a "real job" like the rest of slaves, those goals wouldn't make the rest of us feel like such slaves...