Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I want to be a One Minute Friend

How long do you have to be a friend to someone before you share the Gospel with them? One minute? One day? One week? One month? One year? I saw this on my favorite show the other night (Wretched) and it really spoke to me. I want to be a one minute friend! But how? I think it is somewhat easier if you have a church home to invite them along with you, but we are without a church home right now. How do you share the gospel with strangers? Please give me some suggestions - I am ready to be a one minute friend.


Mamosa said...

Curious as to where you are listening to Wretched? On the radio? I download Todd Friel to my MP3, but I am only coming up with one program per week.

I'm sure that you know that he is affiliated with Way of the Master, right? Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron. www.livingwaters.com has an adunbance of resources for sharing your faith. Check it out!

Elizabeth said...

Is being affiliated with Way of the Master good or bad? I didn't know that he was. I watch him on FamNet through SkyAngel. 10pm and also in the middle of the night.

Mamosa said...

LOL! Way of the Master is good! Are you watching on Sky Angel? I miss it. See? I never knew one could *watch* him...I always just thought that it was a radion show.