Thursday, January 8, 2009


It seems like a whirlwind of a week, with most of it seeming like a dream, no, I mean a nightmare. It was just too painful to accept that Matt was gone. Poor Becky is so heartbroken, I can not even imagine how intense her pain is. Those boys are her life and now she must go on. PLEASE, I know some of you are prayer warriors, PLEASE keep praying for Becky as often as you think about her. I should post a picture of her, because if you saw her, you couldn't help but want do something for her. She and Matt both shared this zesty personality that magnetized you to them. Neither of them know what a stranger looks like and are just precious people. Keith and I just ache for her so much, and if you could just lift her name up to the Lord, I would be indebted to you.

As difficult of a week that it has been, I must brag about how wonderfully my boys have been through this horrible time. They sat at the funeral home for over six hours on the pew without complaining once. The 18 hour drive did not sprout one single argument or incident in any way. I have told them over and over how proud I am of how they were able to make a very sad situation easier to deal with.

It feels so good to be home - we got in last night at 2am!

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