I read several blogs on a regular basis, mainly just so I can keep updated on how people are doing without having to make a phone call. Phone calls are wonderful, but when you homeschool 4 kids and run a business, you have to limit the phone calls. I love reading about things my friends are doing and places they are going. At times, I feel a little bit like I am invading their privacy, in a sort of voyuristic sort of way. But I am pretty sure they realize other people are reading their ramblings, I mean updates.
My purpose in this blog is to update people on what the Brauds are doing, where we are going and stuff like that. I am going to try and refrain from expressing my political views and tangents likes that - I feel like they are op-eds and don't really allow for banter......
We have been in Georgia for over 18 months now, and I can honestly say it was a move that has been a huge blessings to all of our lives. Not just the gorgeous scenery, or the fantastic climate or the blessing of living in the Bible belt, but the whole ambiance has been nourishing to me in many ways. In many ways, I feel like an uncaged bird. I feel more at home here than in Louisiana and love that the vast majority of people assume you are honest, because they are honest. How refreshing. Ahh....
On with the show! I hope to not be dull or repetetive or caught up in the details. If you want details, give me a call instead. I am going to be pithy, and not blog you down with boring, meaningless ramblings.
Feel free to leave your comments!