I know, I haven't posted on my blog in forever. It has just been the craziest summer ever recorded in the Braud household, and I could never really find the time or the words to write. Since we have just celebrated a momentous occasion, I feel I can not wait any longer.
We spent much of the summer doing a lot of "lasts" with Andrew. It will go down in history as the summer before Andrew went to the United States Air Force. We had a fabulous going away party for him. Over 50 people were in attendance and I was told more than once it was the best party ever. I had an absolute blast. All of it was fun. The planning, the prep, the cooking, the decorating and best of all, the prizes! I bought tons of prizes and most of them had a patriotic theme to them. I smoked chicken and shredded it for BBQ sandwiches, homemade potato salad, baked beans and a wonderful cake with a chocolate mascarpone cheese filling! Oh, and punch! The punch was the hit of the party. How could I forget that? Truly, it was momentous, at least to me.
Flash forward just a bit, surviving boot camp was no easy task.....for me. I am sure Andrew could say the same, but for different reasons! Ha ha! Basically, we were unable to talk to Andrew the whole time he was in boot camp. He was allowed to call twice, but they were timed calls and it was crazy. I wrote to him almost every day, and he even wrote a few times, also. In October, we made the 18 hour drive to San Antonia and had the best time ever. It was so special and meaningful and emotional and all those other types of emotions. All good. I have never felt so proud as when I got to see Andrew marching in his dress blues. He is now stationed at Beale Air Force Base, in California. He will be flying back and forth to Korea once his specialized training is complete. I feel certain he will get to visit my sister whom lives out there, and that would be wonderful!
Our summer was very full, with several house guests. I love having friends come to visit, and was so thankful that several of our really close friends were able to visit. I swear, I have no greater pleasure than to cook for friends and then eat with them. LOVED IT.
Michael and James have been enjoying having less people to share their goodies with, as Chris also moved out in late August. He made an attempt at living just off campus in a small apartment. Unfortunately, the job market was lousy and he was unable to become gainfully employed. He is back home now and we are all adjusting nicely.
We lost Keith's dad in September. It was very sad and very emotional and we just totally miss him. When we were in Louisiana for the funeral, the house felt so empty without him. The guys and I pray for his wife and Keith's sisters often. He was one of a kind!
Well, I am now realizing this blog post is sort of "meh", but if I don't post something soon, I fear it will just fade into the sunset. I really do want to keep blogging, if for no other reason than to record important events for the guys. I feel certain one day they will actually treasure this blog. One day.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
Introspection on Introverts
I'm going to make an attempt to tell you everything you ever needed to know about introverts, but were too afraid to ask. It's not like we would answer you anyway, but if we did, we might tell you some of the following tidbits... "Might" being the key word. And the reason I am making this educational post is because I just think some of you extroverts don't get "us". Okay, I'm not really going to tell you everything, but it may be just enough to help you understand us a little better.
First of all, we are not rude simply because we choose to remain quiet. It doesn't mean we are lacking for words, either. We are just very selective about with whom we share our jewels of information. Extroverts love anybody, but introverts tend to love only special people. People who accept them for their quietness, and people who have put forth the effort to give them a safe place to share. Keith and I are both introverts, which means we kind of created introverted offspring. It works for us, most of the time. There are times, though, when a whole family of introverts can have some serious disadvantages. Trust me, it's not that we choose to be this way, it is just how we are. Believe it or not, we like being introverts. We aren't secretly wishing we could be extroverts and we just don't know how to do it. We LIKE sitting in the background to observe and listen.
As a young girl, I can remember hearing people in the background always referring to me as shy, as if it were some kind of disease. In my mind, I really didn't care for that label, because to me it has a negative connotation. I would rather not be singled out, especially when I just wanted to be unnoticed and have no attention drawn to me. I was content to only have two or three "best" friends growing up. Even on Facebook, I carefully consider friend requests and "unfriend" when I realize there is no real connection. In fact, I was so "shy", when Keith and I had our wedding ceremony, there were the required two witnesses, the Justice of the Peace and a photographer. For me, I just couldn't imagine walking down an aisle with all eyes on me and then have them listen to me tearfully recite my vows... That was just too personal for me and I didn't know Keith's family well enough to allow them to see me cry.
All four of the guys have a degree of introvert-ism... some more than others. I have been told they are rude because they don't talk to others. Not only is that hurtful, but it is dead wrong. I am pretty sure the person that said this is an extrovert. They don't get us at all. Too bad they can't offer us some grace, because we sure offer it to them. We will quietly sit back and let them whoop and holler and keep the spotlight on them and we dare not tell them they are wild or obnoxious. We keep it to ourselves and allow them to be.
In fact, both of my guys have graduated from high school, and both of them did not want a party or to send out announcements or to advertise their milestone at all (not that there is anything wrong with that if you do choose to send out announcements). No fanfare, and no banner waving, but a private celebration with family was all they wanted. Sounds great to me.
I could easily write an entire chapter about introverts, because I have first hand knowledge about them. I am one. And I make no apologies for it. When I meet an introvert, I understand if I want to get to know them, I will have to work for it. I also know that once I gain their trust, I will have the most loyal and sincere friend ever. Introverts may seem shy or rude, but what you don't know is, they are sizing you up to see if you are worth their time. They want to be sure you won't capitalize on their weaknesses or share their secrets. It's not something we do on purpose, it just is.
Have you hugged an introvert lately? If you did, it must mean you are special!
Here is a little snipit I found on Pinterest that explains it better than I can:

Ya'll have a blessed day!
First of all, we are not rude simply because we choose to remain quiet. It doesn't mean we are lacking for words, either. We are just very selective about with whom we share our jewels of information. Extroverts love anybody, but introverts tend to love only special people. People who accept them for their quietness, and people who have put forth the effort to give them a safe place to share. Keith and I are both introverts, which means we kind of created introverted offspring. It works for us, most of the time. There are times, though, when a whole family of introverts can have some serious disadvantages. Trust me, it's not that we choose to be this way, it is just how we are. Believe it or not, we like being introverts. We aren't secretly wishing we could be extroverts and we just don't know how to do it. We LIKE sitting in the background to observe and listen.
As a young girl, I can remember hearing people in the background always referring to me as shy, as if it were some kind of disease. In my mind, I really didn't care for that label, because to me it has a negative connotation. I would rather not be singled out, especially when I just wanted to be unnoticed and have no attention drawn to me. I was content to only have two or three "best" friends growing up. Even on Facebook, I carefully consider friend requests and "unfriend" when I realize there is no real connection. In fact, I was so "shy", when Keith and I had our wedding ceremony, there were the required two witnesses, the Justice of the Peace and a photographer. For me, I just couldn't imagine walking down an aisle with all eyes on me and then have them listen to me tearfully recite my vows... That was just too personal for me and I didn't know Keith's family well enough to allow them to see me cry.
All four of the guys have a degree of introvert-ism... some more than others. I have been told they are rude because they don't talk to others. Not only is that hurtful, but it is dead wrong. I am pretty sure the person that said this is an extrovert. They don't get us at all. Too bad they can't offer us some grace, because we sure offer it to them. We will quietly sit back and let them whoop and holler and keep the spotlight on them and we dare not tell them they are wild or obnoxious. We keep it to ourselves and allow them to be.
In fact, both of my guys have graduated from high school, and both of them did not want a party or to send out announcements or to advertise their milestone at all (not that there is anything wrong with that if you do choose to send out announcements). No fanfare, and no banner waving, but a private celebration with family was all they wanted. Sounds great to me.
I could easily write an entire chapter about introverts, because I have first hand knowledge about them. I am one. And I make no apologies for it. When I meet an introvert, I understand if I want to get to know them, I will have to work for it. I also know that once I gain their trust, I will have the most loyal and sincere friend ever. Introverts may seem shy or rude, but what you don't know is, they are sizing you up to see if you are worth their time. They want to be sure you won't capitalize on their weaknesses or share their secrets. It's not something we do on purpose, it just is.
Have you hugged an introvert lately? If you did, it must mean you are special!
Here is a little snipit I found on Pinterest that explains it better than I can:

Ya'll have a blessed day!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Time Flies
Another school year coming to a close and another son graduating from home education! What a journey! Honestly, if you had asked me ten or so years ago if we had plans of home schooling all the way to graduation, I probably would have said, "I have no idea". Now that we are about to graduate another son, I can honestly say, "I am so glad we did it for the long haul". It has never been easy, that is for sure, but it has been worthwhile. We have had many adventures, much freedom and I wouldn't trade one second of it.
Chris is finishing up his second year of college. He is one of those students that gets A's with little effort and B's when he is distracted. He has always been gifted with a photographic memory and I am thankful I can rely on him at any time to recall a past event or conversation. It seems he is going to continue majoring in accounting and has his sites set on becoming a CPA. I appreciate him in so many ways, especially as he has been maturing over the last year. He often gives sound advice and I can always count on him to do a job well. I am proud of you, son, for all that you have tackled this year at school and on the job! I pray the Lord's blessing of abundance and holiness upon you.
Our graduating senior, Andrew, will be headed to San Antonio on August 6th to begin his basic training in the United State Air Force. Since he was a toddler, he has always talked about becoming a soldier. As he learned and progressed through Civil Air Patrol, earning the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, he realized the Air Force was the better branch in which to enlist. In fact, since achieving 2nd Lieutenant, he will be able to enlist as an E-3, which is the equivalent of serving about two years. He has been assigned the job of tactical aircraft crewchief. Although at first he had hoped to land the broadcasting position he auditioned for, he has become very excited about the idea of working with the fighter jets. He has been teaching himself some computer programming in his spare time, and has even built a couple of computers from scratch. It is amazing what someone will do when they want to do it. I still say he has a fabulous radio voice, but that can wait for later. I am proud to have a son willing to serve our country and I pray the Lord will place a shield of protection around him and his comrades. Job well done, Andrew!
Michael has been an excellent student this year. He seems to earn A's almost as easily as Chris. He has always had a gift of drawing, like his father, and has often told me that he finds math to be fun. With those two talents put together, we enrolled him in a drafting class this past fall. His teacher says he is very good at it, and from what I know about Michael, I am certain it comes to him naturally. Out of the four guys, Michael has always had the more beautiful hand writing. Even when he was first learning to write, his penmanship was always very neat an uniform. It seems this auto-cad class has fueled his desire to continue on and he will most likely enroll in college to be a draftsman. I am very proud of you, Michael. I pray the Lord will surround you with Godly friends and instill wisdom into all of your decisions.
James is finishing up his seventh year of school. He does very well in his subjects and always gets smiley faces on his papers. I am thankful for his easy-going nature and his positive attitude. There is no pressure on him yet to make any lasting decisions about the future. For now, he just likes to have fun with his friends and play games. He is eager to gain some height and for his voice to change, but in due time, that will all happen. I have survived three teenage guys and on May 19th, I will be getting the final teen in the home. It has been a pleasure having you as my student, James, and I pray that you will increase in wisdom and Godly character over the coming years.
We have made a short trip to Louisiana a couple of months back. Keith's dad has been having some issues with his health and we wanted to travel as a family of six, since it may be our last time with Andrew's departure. The weather was perfect and we were able to visit with Dad some, but his condition kept it limited. Aunt Tootie spent the day with us and it was wonderful. Aunt Len made her fabulous coconut cake. It had been over six years since we last ate at TJ Ribs and we met several friends there for an evening of good food. We were not disappointed and it was worth the wait.
Last month we accompanied Keith on a business trip to Atlanta. I love Atlanta. It is so clean and full of rich history. I was amazed at how incredibly friendly the people were! Living in the Bible belt has its rewards. One can always depend on getting their heart blessed at any given moment, by any stranger on the street, even in Atlanta! I am looking forward to a return trip to Atlanta for some more sight seeing and good food.
Tax season is over and the flower beds have been begging for attention. Each day, I tackle another project, trying to get things tidied up from the winter. I love watching things come into bloom, with each blossom taking its turn in the spotlight, and then stepping aside to allow another show to begin. The irises are showing off right now. We have tons of them and I can seem some blooming out of almost every window. Yes, I am blessed and I never take one minute of it for granted.
Keith has transitioned quite well to a multi-product plant. The new product is a hit and it seems they are selling it as fast as they are making it. He continues to beautify the plant and the grounds as funds allow. We often go out there and clean his offices and work the landscaping for him. I am so thankful for his job that he loves. He is very good at what he does and I am very proud of him!!!
I am looking forward to seeing some good friends this summer and of course, I so enjoy riding bikes with Keith and sipping coffee at Rembrandt's. I am thankful for the coming break and pray the Lord will bless our time of transition with Andrew and any other things that are thrown our way. Thanks for stopping by - come and visit any time!
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Chris is finishing up his second year of college. He is one of those students that gets A's with little effort and B's when he is distracted. He has always been gifted with a photographic memory and I am thankful I can rely on him at any time to recall a past event or conversation. It seems he is going to continue majoring in accounting and has his sites set on becoming a CPA. I appreciate him in so many ways, especially as he has been maturing over the last year. He often gives sound advice and I can always count on him to do a job well. I am proud of you, son, for all that you have tackled this year at school and on the job! I pray the Lord's blessing of abundance and holiness upon you.
Our graduating senior, Andrew, will be headed to San Antonio on August 6th to begin his basic training in the United State Air Force. Since he was a toddler, he has always talked about becoming a soldier. As he learned and progressed through Civil Air Patrol, earning the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, he realized the Air Force was the better branch in which to enlist. In fact, since achieving 2nd Lieutenant, he will be able to enlist as an E-3, which is the equivalent of serving about two years. He has been assigned the job of tactical aircraft crewchief. Although at first he had hoped to land the broadcasting position he auditioned for, he has become very excited about the idea of working with the fighter jets. He has been teaching himself some computer programming in his spare time, and has even built a couple of computers from scratch. It is amazing what someone will do when they want to do it. I still say he has a fabulous radio voice, but that can wait for later. I am proud to have a son willing to serve our country and I pray the Lord will place a shield of protection around him and his comrades. Job well done, Andrew!
Michael has been an excellent student this year. He seems to earn A's almost as easily as Chris. He has always had a gift of drawing, like his father, and has often told me that he finds math to be fun. With those two talents put together, we enrolled him in a drafting class this past fall. His teacher says he is very good at it, and from what I know about Michael, I am certain it comes to him naturally. Out of the four guys, Michael has always had the more beautiful hand writing. Even when he was first learning to write, his penmanship was always very neat an uniform. It seems this auto-cad class has fueled his desire to continue on and he will most likely enroll in college to be a draftsman. I am very proud of you, Michael. I pray the Lord will surround you with Godly friends and instill wisdom into all of your decisions.
James is finishing up his seventh year of school. He does very well in his subjects and always gets smiley faces on his papers. I am thankful for his easy-going nature and his positive attitude. There is no pressure on him yet to make any lasting decisions about the future. For now, he just likes to have fun with his friends and play games. He is eager to gain some height and for his voice to change, but in due time, that will all happen. I have survived three teenage guys and on May 19th, I will be getting the final teen in the home. It has been a pleasure having you as my student, James, and I pray that you will increase in wisdom and Godly character over the coming years.
We have made a short trip to Louisiana a couple of months back. Keith's dad has been having some issues with his health and we wanted to travel as a family of six, since it may be our last time with Andrew's departure. The weather was perfect and we were able to visit with Dad some, but his condition kept it limited. Aunt Tootie spent the day with us and it was wonderful. Aunt Len made her fabulous coconut cake. It had been over six years since we last ate at TJ Ribs and we met several friends there for an evening of good food. We were not disappointed and it was worth the wait.
Last month we accompanied Keith on a business trip to Atlanta. I love Atlanta. It is so clean and full of rich history. I was amazed at how incredibly friendly the people were! Living in the Bible belt has its rewards. One can always depend on getting their heart blessed at any given moment, by any stranger on the street, even in Atlanta! I am looking forward to a return trip to Atlanta for some more sight seeing and good food.
Tax season is over and the flower beds have been begging for attention. Each day, I tackle another project, trying to get things tidied up from the winter. I love watching things come into bloom, with each blossom taking its turn in the spotlight, and then stepping aside to allow another show to begin. The irises are showing off right now. We have tons of them and I can seem some blooming out of almost every window. Yes, I am blessed and I never take one minute of it for granted.
Keith has transitioned quite well to a multi-product plant. The new product is a hit and it seems they are selling it as fast as they are making it. He continues to beautify the plant and the grounds as funds allow. We often go out there and clean his offices and work the landscaping for him. I am so thankful for his job that he loves. He is very good at what he does and I am very proud of him!!!
I am looking forward to seeing some good friends this summer and of course, I so enjoy riding bikes with Keith and sipping coffee at Rembrandt's. I am thankful for the coming break and pray the Lord will bless our time of transition with Andrew and any other things that are thrown our way. Thanks for stopping by - come and visit any time!
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Big Reveal
We finally got our new bathroom. When we first looked at this house over six years ago, we knew the master bathroom was horrid. We figured we would redo it one day, but it just never rose to the top of the list since we knew it would be costly and inconvenient. Thankfully, we now get to enjoy a nice, new bathroom in which Keith and I can be in at the same time. Keith and I were talking and we realized neither of us had ever had a nice bathroom our whole life. Oh, sure, we had better than an outhouse and all of our bathrooms were functional, but none of them were nice.
In Louisiana, our first house was a shack home, built off the ground and very primitive. We were newlyweds and didn't really notice. Our next two homes in Louisiana had very old, small and outdated bathrooms. But upon moving here, we went into an ever smaller bathroom (5' x 8') and constructed with junk fixtures. Keith wanted to just change out the fixtures and flooring, but, well, I am too much of a visionary for that. I kept telling him we needed to wait until we could afford to do it right and make it bigger!
We demolished the wall that separated the bathroom and our closet. Now we had 8' x 11' of space! Keith has a good relationship with a contractor and in less than two weeks, we had a finished bathroom. It was loud and messy and cramped for those two weeks, but so worth it! I still would like to get some wall art and a few other items, but I can wait for those things. It feels so great to have my own sink!!
I wasn't going to post the before pictures because I am so embarrassed of it, but I guess it does have more meaning if you can see the whole story. I praise God for a job done ON BUDGET!!!
Ya'll have a blessed day!
In Louisiana, our first house was a shack home, built off the ground and very primitive. We were newlyweds and didn't really notice. Our next two homes in Louisiana had very old, small and outdated bathrooms. But upon moving here, we went into an ever smaller bathroom (5' x 8') and constructed with junk fixtures. Keith wanted to just change out the fixtures and flooring, but, well, I am too much of a visionary for that. I kept telling him we needed to wait until we could afford to do it right and make it bigger!
We demolished the wall that separated the bathroom and our closet. Now we had 8' x 11' of space! Keith has a good relationship with a contractor and in less than two weeks, we had a finished bathroom. It was loud and messy and cramped for those two weeks, but so worth it! I still would like to get some wall art and a few other items, but I can wait for those things. It feels so great to have my own sink!!
I wasn't going to post the before pictures because I am so embarrassed of it, but I guess it does have more meaning if you can see the whole story. I praise God for a job done ON BUDGET!!!
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Tiny sink for two....
A roomy shower!
My very own sink with no whiskers in it!
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