The ultimate snuggler!
So, Michael finds this precious lost kitten under our barn, and plops her on the island. Oh, no! We are not adopting another cat. The last several adoptions we have made have been complete failures. Cats these days are just lousy. There are none that can hold a candle to our beloved Chloe, who blessed our lives for nearly 17 years. She made the car trip to Louisiana, survived the addition of four boys and then came with us to Georgia, where she received loving, elder care from all of us. Every single stinkin' cat we've tried to add to our family since then, has been a total loser. Two of them received hundreds of dollars of vet care and then left in the middle of the night. One of them has been banished to permanent outdoor life because she was pooping in the beds and wailing all night long, while pacing the hall outside our bedroom door. No, thank you!
One was given to us, and he thought it was a good idea to pee in our bed at 2am. I literally tossed him out the front door. Within a couple weeks, he was taken to the shelter for attempted murder on Mittens. Good-bye, Sammy. (I did get a call from the shelter saying he got adopted.) Then came Lucy, who is not too bad, but does not like you to pick her up. Her evil growl is very intimidating.....
Anyway, so our luck with cats has been terrible and I have sworn I would not get any more cats unless they were Chloe clones.

You would have kept her, too!
Until 2 weeks ago, when that cute little puff of orange was placed in our life. Daisy is a wonderful cat! She is loving, playful and SO CUTE! Even Lucy the grouch likes her. I would have never guessed Lucy would take to another cat, but it is obvious that she loves Daisy! I always thought older cats had a secret pact to never accept another cat into the family, but I was WRONG! Who knew?

Lucy & Daisy