Winter, if you could call it that, has been a huge let down for me this year. Last year we had roughly nine snowfalls. I love winter. I anticipate the possibility of a flurry or even some accumulation. I search the weather channel daily, hoping to see a little snowflake emblem. When we lived in Louisiana, I would often call home to Pennsylvania to live vicariously through my family and friends. I wanted details about how much snow they were getting, how much was on the ground and how much were they expecting. In some ways, it was euphoric. It reminded me of days long ago when I would spend the winter sledding and sliding and frolicking about with my dear friends. Hot chocolate, warming your mittens on the heater and rosy, red cheeks were the daily norm. This winter has been strange. It has been grey and dreary and thundery and WARM. Last night the wind was whipping about and flashes of lightening lit up the room. The storms sent Levi, our dog, into a panic and kept me awake.
As I lay awake, listening to the storm, it dawned on me that spring could very easily arrive early and then we could get hit with some frost, thus killing our any new greenery. I really hope that doesn't happen, because that would mean we were not only robbed of our winter, but may also be robbed of our spring.
I know you can't control the weather, but this is one time I wish I could. I would send a blustery day, full of large, wet snowflakes. I want to make some snowballs and some snowmen. I want to slide down our hill at least once. Just once, that is all I ask. There is still hope, but if we Georgians get slighted, we will look ahead to next winter with hope.
I hope you are enjoying your winter time! Here's to gumbo weather for all!