We have been enjoying our May so much! The weather has been incredible and the bird watching has been even better! But first let me wish my youngest son a happy 8th birthday!!! We made him a scrumptious lunch today, and of course, a cake. He chose to have fried shrimp, so that is what he got! I also made some"to die for" hush puppies! For his cake, I made a fresh from scratch fudge cake and decorated it to look like the Confederate flag. He loved it!
My garden spot is looking great with every color bloom you could want. I have such a fantastic variery of plants, it really helps me to not bored. The kids have helped me so much in the garden - it has been a pure delight! We planted two balck raspeberry bushes for Mother''s Day and I think I am going to get some blueberry bushes, too.
Today, Keith and had a surprise visit from two Great Crested Flycather's. They landed on my feeder tree and just looked at us and flew off. They are so beautiful, and are rarely seen. We have several mating pairs of house finches, gold finches, white breasted nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, and a lone male indigo bunting. I am keeping my eye out for rose breasted grosbeaks, as they should be migrating through any day now. It is a birder's paradise here and I couldn't be any happier when watching my feathered friends.
Just when I think I can't perfect my pizza crust any more, lo and behold, I learn another trick to make it even better. Lately, I have been setting the oven to 550 degrees and that really makes all the difference. You must preheat your stone and put the pizza directly on the hot stone. I have also learned that hard red wheat works best since it is higher in protein and gluten. If you want to come over for pizza, give me a call. I'm always ready to throw some pizza into the oven.
We are finishing up school over the next two weeks - we are doing a lot of life skills, like phone etiquette, bill paying, first aid, and much more. I was sick of the books and thought we should focus on other things that are just as important as books. Oh, we went and saw "Expelled" the other day and the kids really loved it. Go figure, I have kids that love documentaries. It was very eye opening and thought provoking - go see it!
Well, I will try and post some pictures of my bird tree, but I wanted to wait until the blooms come in a little heavier. Be patient.
I hope your May days are filled with the kind of joy that the simple things in life bring. It it my prayer that God will touch you in a special way as you marvel at all He created for us.