Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok, so I am a bit of a lagger. I tend to lag in technology, fashion and almost everything else. We are just now discovering the show Monk. We aren't really much of tv watchers and I never had time to watch tv when the kids were younger when Monk was being broadcast. Thanks to Netflix, we can watch it commercial free. I am noticing some striking similarities between me and Monk. Some of you already know this, but for those who don't, I really don't want to shake your hand, although I will. I especially hate it when you cough all over me, but I love you anyway. I cringe when I see green snot coming out of your kid's nose. I never hold onto the rail on an escalator or other public forms of handles or rails. I do struggle with the desire to count and sort things, but I manage to snap out of it and disengage. Quirky and strange I am sure, but honestly, I remember being like this my whole life.

Having children forces you to give up some of your OCD tendencies, but I think the desires are still there. You just somehow manage to resist the urges and impulses. Most of the time. As I watch Monk and see myself reflected in him, I am awakened to my OCD flaws and hope Monk will help me to smile inside and shake hands warmly, even if you just coughed all over that hand. Maybe....

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